Compassion Covers

Ministry Begins in the Heart

"When Jesus looked on the multitudes of people with all their problems, sickness, and confusion, he was moved with compassion for them..." Matthew 9:36

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Our story! We help feed those in need in the Dallas community and surrounding areas. We provide them with the needed resources.

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Take a look at our gallery to get a glimpse of how we function in order to make the Dallas community a better place!

Caring Compassionate Hearts & Helping Hands, Inc.

Here's What People Have To Say

"I'm a volunteer director at 2c3h in Kenya.The organization first started in 2020 during COVID-19. We first started with food distribution to orphans, widows, and the sick. This alone brought hope, life, and smiles on the faces of the vulnerable during COVID-19. "

Nick Ngoya

Thanks for always treating us Five Star. Your food is always hot. I really appreciate that. Two thumbs up! "

Anon Unsheltered

"I just wanted to thank them for coming out! As it gets harder out here it's much more important that you guys keep coming out! We appreciate it and we keep telling people to come."

Anonymous Unsheltered individual

"They are the epitome of service. The team and community partners go out to the community EVERY Week seeking and serving those in need among us."

Reverend Phyllis Johnson